Your SFI Affiliate Center home page provides you with a wealth of information about the latest SFI news and announcements, daily to-do's, current "TCredit Transformation" options,  your Rewardicals on account, this month's PSA and CSA totals, and much more! It's truly your one-stop SFI business summary. 

But there's more to the Affiliate Center—MUCH more! Here are 5 tips to help you navigate the Affiliate Center site and find what you're looking for:

1. To quickly return to your homepage page from anywhere at the Affiliate Center, just click the SFI Logo in the header.

2. Not sure where to find something at the Affiliate Center? Click the Search icon (located at the top, next to the SFI logo). 

3. Quickly get to popular places like the Genealogy, the Forum, the SFI Support Desk, and your SFI Inbox by using Hot Spots menu (designated by a flame icon) found in the main menu bar.

4. To view and learn from Affiliate Manager Snapshots of affiliates on leaderboards, winner’s lists, etc., just click their names on your Genealogy or Leaderboards.

5. Quick jump to any Zing Network site (TripleClicks, Rewardicals, Eager Zebra)—and be automatically logged in—by clicking the Zing lightening bolt logo in the right side of the main menu bar and selecting your chosen website.