Available for Silver Affiliates and up, SFI Starter Incentives are designed specifically to help you target select Personally Referred Affiliates (PRAs) in your team and encourage them to take action and receive a small reward*

Here’s how they work: 

At your Starter Incentives Manager, scroll through the available Starter Incentives and select the one you want: 

• Live Chat (Starter Incentive #100)

Reward your PRA for initiating a live chat with you.

• Email Intro (Starter Incentive #101)

Reward your PRA for sending you an email introducing themselves.

• Verify Email (Starter Incentive #102)

Reward your PRA for confirming their email address.

Next, choose the number of Rewardicals you wish to award your affiliate when they complete the Starter Incentive action. You can activate as many or as few Starter Incentives as you like. Once activated, incentives go into effect immediately and will begin to pop up once your new PRAs log in at the Affiliate Center. NOTE: You can track your active incentive performances, adjust your reward amounts, and/or deactivate any incentive at any time via your Starter Incentives Manager.

*Costs for Starter Incentive awards are deducted directly from your Starter Incentives Account. To use this tool, you must first fund your account.

Starter Incentive example:

Wouldn’t it be great if you could incentivize a live chat with all new PRAs right when they become an SFI Affiliate? You can...it's easy! Just scroll down to the Live Chat (Starter Incentive #100). Click the (see/hide sample) link in the description to see a sample of this Starter Incentive.

Next, enter the amount of Rewardicals you want to award each PRA when they initiate a live chat with you. Click the checkbox to sign up for this incentive and consent to having the reward costs deducted from your Starter Incentives Account. 

Finally, click the green activate button to launch the incentive. That's it! Beginning immediately, when your new PRAs log in to the SFI Affiliate Center, they will be greeted with a special offer to initiate a live chat with you and receive a reward.

Not online enough to be available regularly for live chats?  Choose the Email Intro (Starter Incentive #101) instead to encourage your new PRAs to engage with you via email and earn an award. The quick and easy setup process is exactly the same as for the Live Chat incentive. 


Q: Who pays for the cost of the incentive offered?

Incentive rewards are deducted from your Starter Incentives Account. To get started with Starter Incentives, you must first fund this account. You can do this in $10 increments at the TripleClicks store HERE.  

Q: Is there a limit to how many Rewardicals I can offer?

There’s a current minimum limit of five (your cost $.01) and a maximum limit of 5,000 (your cost $10) per incentive.

Q: Can I turn off a Starter Incentive I’ve created if needed?

Yes, you have full control through the Starter Incentive Manager.  Turn on or off as you wish.

Q: When I turn on a Starter Incentive, how soon will it take affect?

Immediately.  For example, if you turned on Starter Incentive #101, the very next PRA you signed up would be offered the incentive.

Q: Can I adjust the amount of Rewardicals offered as needed?

Yes.  Just go to the Starter Incentive Manager, change the amount, and save.  Your new amount will kick in the very next time your incentive is offered.

Q: What if I run out of funds in my Starter Incentives account or don’t have enough in it to fund my chosen Starter Incentive(s)?

Your chosen Starter Incentive(s) would automatically cease until additional funding was added.

Q: Are there other incentives besides Rewardicals that can be chosen?

At this time, Rewardicals are the sole incentives available. Here are two big reasons why Rewardicals work really well:

1. They give the recipient lots of great choices; Rewardicals can be redeemed for ZCredits, gift certificates, Bitcoin, silver bullion, and more.

2. It allows you, as the sponsor, to offer generous amounts very inexpensively.  Indeed, you can literally offer a nice reward of five Rewardicals at a cost to you of just one cent! And larger incentives like 100, 250, or 500 are also very inexpensive.  500, for example, is only $1.00.  

Q: Is there tracking provided, to help me determine which Starter Incentives are working for me?

Yes.  There is a ledger located on the Starter Incentives Manager page.  

Q: Am I limited to choosing just one Starter Incentive, or can I utilize multiple ones for different objectives?

You can opt in to as many as you want.

Q: I have lots of Rewardicals.  Can I use them with Starter Incentives?

Not directly....but you CAN redeem your Rewardicals for a TripleClicks gift certificate, and then purchase funding for your Starter Incentives account with the gift certificate.