The DEV Bank Bonus rewards Affiliates for developing their team. It works like this:

Every time you add a new Personally Sponsored Affiliate (PSA) to your team, you automatically bank up to $40.78. The total amount of your banked bonuses appear in your Dev Bank, displayed on your SFI homepage.

Each time you develop an EA—i.e. one of your PSAs goes EA, or advances to VIP ranks Silver Builder (SB), Gold Builder (GB), or Platinum Builder (PB)—you unlock the associated bonus, and it gets moved from your Dev Bank to your commissions account for payout to you!

The amount you can earn for your DEV Bank Bonus depends on three things:

1. Your rank—the higher your rank, the higher your bonus will be!

2. The rank of your PSAs—the higher the rank they go to, the higher your bonus!

3. How you attain your rank—earn double the bonus amount when your rank-qualifying order is on Auto-Delivery OR paid with cryptocurrency!

TIP: The best way to maximize your Dev Bank Bonuses (DBBs) is through new PSAs that you personally generate. So be sure you’re making a plan to start regularly adding new quality PSAs to your group. If you need help in this area, head over to the Marketing Center.

DEV Bank Bonus Amounts:

If your rank is Executive Affiliate (EA):

  • Develop an EA to earn $.91 or $1.82*
  • Develop an SB to earn $2.72 or $5.44*
  • Develop a GB to earn $6.34 or $12.68*
  • Develop a PB to earn $13.59 or $27.18*

If your rank is Silver Builder (SB):

  • Develop an EA to earn $1.06 or $2.12*
  • Develop an SB to earn $3.17 or $6.34*
  • Develop a GB to earn $7.40 or $14.80*
  • Develop a PB to earn $15.86 or $31.72*

If your rank is Gold Builder (GB):

  • Develop an EA to earn $1.21 or $2.42*
  • Develop an SB to earn $3.62 or $7.24*
  • Develop a GB to earn $8.46 or $16.92*
  • Develop a PB to earn $18.12 or $36.24*

If your rank is Platinum Builder (PB):

  • Develop an EA to earn $1.36 or $2.72*
  • Develop an SB to earn $4.08 or $8.16*
  • Develop a GB to earn $9.51 or $19.02*
  • Develop a PB to earn $20.39 or $40.78*

*REMEMBER: Dev Bank Bonus is doubled if your rank-qualifying order is on Auto-Delivery OR paid with cryptocurrency.


1. Dev Bank Bonuses are a one-time, per-PSA bonus.

2. Dev Bank Bonuses are in addition to all other regular earnings (Direct Commissions, Profit Sharing, PSA Bonuses, CSA Bonuses, etc.).  See Compensation Plan.

3. Because of our 30-day money back guarantee on E-Pack purchases (the product that creates EAs), Dev Bank Bonuses are necessarily paid after the 30-day period.  These bonuses will then be automatically added to your commissions and paid with your regular earnings.

4. All Dev Bank Bonus amounts are subject to change.


Q: When do DBBs get paid?

Every E-Pack sold comes with a 30-day guarantee (i.e. buyer can receive a refund for up to 30 days after his/her purchase).  Therefore, DBBs can not be released/paid until at least the 31st day after purchase.  So on day 31, your DBB will be added to the next commissions run (on or about the 5th of each month).  Note that this could be the current month or the next month.

Q: What if my PSA becomes an EA, then a few days later advances to Silver Builder…and then a couple more weeks later advances to, say, Platinum Builder?

Each advancement would mean that more E-Packs were sold or purchased, so the 31-day clock would need to start over with each advancement.  So the “downside” is that this would delay the payment to you of your DBB.  But the upside is that you’d receive the larger Platinum DBB!

Q: What if my PSA goes straight from Affiliate to Platinum Builder?

You would receive the bonus for a Platinum Builder.  Note that you would not also receive bonuses for EA, Silver Builder, and Gold Builder.  You would only receive the one bonus for developing a Platinum Builder.

Q: What if my PSA goes EA…and then 2 months later goes Platinum?

DBBs are a ONE-TIME bonus.  You would have received the DBB for his/her going EA.  There would be no subsequent bonus paid on his/her advancement to Platinum Builder.  Of course, developing a Platinum Builder has great long-term income potential because of the great earnings you can receive each month going forward thanks to regular (non-DBB) commissions, such as the PSA Bonus.  See Compensation Plan for more information.