We're currently working on updating this FAQ to reflect the all-new SFI.

Your SFI Genealogy is one of your most powerful team-building resources in SFI. From this report, you can view your entire organization (your CSAs, PSAs, their PSAs, and so on...), manage your growing team, send individual and group messages, monitor sales activity, award gift certificates, reassign sponsors, and more.

IMPORTANT! To get the most from this tutorial—and your Genealogy—please make sure you're familiar first with SFI's Share-Tech system:

The Start of Something Big


You & Share-Tech


When you open your Genealogy report, you'll see a summary of your team's totals, along with Affiliate distribution among the various generations (levels) in your organization. There are also sort and filter options to help you drill down and focus on specific groups of affiliates, resources to help you get the most of your Genealogy, and a link to your team e-mail tool. 

Your report's summary section (image below) provides you with a breakdown of the affiliates in your organization, including the current total number of PSAs, CSAs, and POAs (if applicable) in your team, how many of each group have advanced to EA, and how many E-Packs they've purchased/sold. Below those summaries, you'll see the numbers of Affiliates, EAs, and E-Packs purchased/sold for each Generation (level) below you in your organization. Armed with this information, you can better target your messages and sponsoring strategies to encourage action in your team, motivate your up-and-coming leaders, and boost your commissions.

Below this summary section, you'll see several resources where you find more information about using your Genealogy:

Visual Genealogy

Genealogy Tutorial & User Guide

A Guide To Using The Affiliate Snapshot Tool

Genealogy FAQs

• My Upline

Plus...links to:

FULL Genealogy (ALL affiliates who've logged in during the past 365 days.)

Condensed Genealogy (Previous/Current Month EAs & affiliates who have joined in the last 30 days.)

Opt-Outs & Removals Report 

PRM Report

Lastly, a link to SEND AN E-MAIL/TEAMMAIL to your group opens your Genealogy group mailer tool for sending messages, newsletters, and other notifications to your organization.


Your Genealogy's sort and filters help you quickly and easily focus on specific groups within your organization. Use these options, for example, to display only those affiliates who joined SFI within the past week, team members who haven't logged in this month, all your Executive Affiliates, etc.


Available SORTS include:

• DEFAULT (SFI ID, listed by activity, for each Generation)


• Last Name

• Sponsor ID

• Rank

• Generation

• Key Code

• CSA Assign Date

• Date Joined

• Last Login

From the dropdown menu, simply choose the sort by which you wish to display your team, and select ASC (i.e., A-Z) or DSC (i.e., Z-A), and click the blue SORT button.


By default, your Genealogy includes two rows of Filter fields. Each row contains different filters in the drop down menus designed to help you hone in and display your team in a detailed way. You can use either row's dropdown filters by themselves or use both together when you really want to drill down to a super specific group in your organization. Just select your Filter options from the dropdown menu(s) and click the green FILTER button when you're ready.

The first FILTER dropdown menu includes the following filters:


• Last Name

• Sponsor ID

• Downline For

• Immediate Downline For

• EPacks


• CSA Assign Date

• ShareTech Expiration Date

• Date Joined

• Last Login

• Email Address

The second FILTER dropdown menu includes:

• Rank

• Red Flagged

• Generation

• Key Code

• Online

• Anniversary of SFI Signup

• Birthday

• Leadership Challenge Qualifier

• Logged in more than once

• Country

• Confirmed Registration

• Added to Safe List

• Completed Affiliate Profile


• CSA Source

• ECommergy Subscription

• ECommergy Expiring Soon

To help save time on popular filter searches, there are several QUICKFILTERS you can select from, including:

• My Movers

• New PSAs Today

• New PSAs Yesterday

• New PSAs (in the last 10 days)

• New PSAs (in the last 30 days)

• New PSAs (in the last 60 days)

• New PSAs (in the last 90 days)

• New CSAs Today

• New CSAs in last 10 days

• New CSAs in last 30 days

• Logins Yesterday

• Logins in last 10 days

• Inactive > 30 days

• Inactive > 60 days

• Inactive > 90 days

• Online Now

• Today's Birthdays

• Booster Club Members


Example #1:

Let's say you want to see all the Affiliates in your organization who have joined in the last month AND who have logged in more than once. 

1. In the first Filter row, choose DATE JOINED from the filter dropdown menu, the AFTER option from the next dropdown menu, then enter the date from 1 month ago (DD/MM/YY).

2. In the second Filter row, select LOGGED IN MORE THAN ONCE, the "=" option from the next dropdown menu, then YES.

3. Click the green FILTER button.  NOTE: Before clicking the FILTER button, you can also select the type of SORT you would like your results displayed in.

...and VOILA! You now have a list of all your Affiliates who joined a month ago who have logged in more than once. Using this information, you can send out a group text encouraging these potentially active Affiliates to learn more about going EA or offer a Starter Incentive for them to take action.

Example #2:

What if you want to drill down even further in your organization? Easy! Just add another FILTER row. 

Let's say you want a list of all your Affiliates who have joined in the past 60 days AND have Completed their Affiliate Profile AND have purchased or sold one or more E-Packs.

1. In the first Filter row, choose DATE JOINED from the filter dropdown menu, the AFTER option from the next dropdown menu, then enter the date from 60 days ago (DD/MM/YY).

2. Click the "+" sign at the end of the first row to add another FILTER row.

3. In the new Filter row, select COMPLETED AFFILIATE PROFILE from the dropdown menu, the "=" option from the next dropdown menu, then YES.

4. In the last filter row, select EPACKS from the filter dropdown menu, the greater-than sign (">"), and then 0. 

5. Click the green FILTER button when you're done.

BOOM! You've now honed in on a very specific group in your that is relatively new, but obviously motivated, having sold or purchased at least 1 E-Pack and upgraded to Executive Affiliate status (or higher). Be sure they know you're their sponsor, encourage them in their businesses, and quickly answer any questions they might have!

Want to save a specific search for your organization in the days, weeks, and months ahead? Just click the blue SAVE QUICKFILTER button, enter the name of your custom filter and click OK. Then, next time you want to drill down to Affiliates meeting specific parameters, simply select your personal filter from the QuickFilters dropdown menu and click the Green FILTER button above!


By default, your affiliates are listed in order based on activity within each Generation. So, in accordance with our Share-Tech system, your report lists the 5 Affiliates in your 1st Generation at the top of the report, followed by the Affiliates in your 2nd Generation, followed by Affiliates in your 3rd Generation...and so on. Within those generations, they are further sorted based on the following criteria:

• Affiliates who have logged in during the last 7 days

• Affiliates who have logged in during the last 31 days

• By SFI ID numbers

Who are these Affiliates? They're all part of your own network "node"—persons that you've referred, plus affiliates from the "spillover effect" from your sponsor's affiliates and his/her upline members. 

You may notice some of the individual Affiliates in your node changes from month to month. That's because the Share-Tech system is working to maximize your income and fill your organization with active persons. It does this each month by applying "dynamic compression" to the network, identifying and removing inactive (non-EA) affiliates (if any), and moving people up from lower levels to fill the vacated spot(s). Learn more.

IMPORTANT! Don't worry...inactive PSAs and CSAs moved from their previous spots in your network are still in your team! You can view them in your FULL Genealogy...they'll be listed with an FTE symbol (see Symbols section below) and will appear last in your Genealogy report. If, during a given month, any of these Affiliates advance to EA, they'll move back up through the levels of your network after Share-Tech performs its monthly dynamic compression.


Beside each Affiliate's name, a variety of symbols may appear, giving you valuable insight into the progress or status of individuals. A key to these symbols is located at the bottom of your report:

TIP: When you notice these symbols, be sure to drop an appropriate message to your Affiliate—e.g., a Happy Birthday e-card, a congratulations for completing all 4 Getting Started Basics, a response to an Icebreaker message, etc.


Your Genealogy's main report section is organized into four tabs: BASICS, COMMUNICATION, GEOGRAPHIC, and GIFTING. Each tab contains different columns information about your organization to help you stay informed about your business and better serve your team as an SFI leader. Your Affiliates are listed by Generation, from most to least active within each generation. 

The first four columns of your report are the same (no matter which tab you choose), listing each Affiliate's SFIID, Name, progress/status (see symbol key), and Rank. So, in the example below:

You can see that "Joe Smith" with SFI ID # 12345 is a Booster Club Member who has completed all the getting started basic actions and has achieved the rank of Silver Builder. Click his name or his SFI ID number to launch this person's Affiliate Snapshot. To view this person's own first Generation of Affiliates, just click the blue down arrow.

The last columns are also the same across different tabs: 

These icons indicate affiliate online status and provide quick links to various options:

 Envelope iconclick this icon to send this person a TeamMail message. 

Bell icon—click this icon to add a follow-up reminder for this affiliate.

Chat bubble—click this icon to reply via Chat (a green chat bubble indicates the person is online).

Pencil—click this icon to add notes and comments (a green pencil indicates existing notes).

Paper airplane—click this icon to send this affiliate an e-card.


The BASICS tab contains useful at-a-glance information about your organization's structure and the activity of your team. In addition to the columns and tools discussed above, your Basics tab presents general team activity and information into the following columns:

EP—The number of E-Packs your affiliate has sold/purchased.

PRMs—The number of Personally Referred Members (PRMs) that Affiliate has referred.

Sponsor—The Sponsor's SFI ID for that Affiliate.

Gen—The Generation (level) the Affiliate is on within your organization.

Join Date—Each Affiliate's Join Date for the SFI program.

ST Exp—The Share-Tech expiration date for each Affiliate,should they NOT go EA.

Last Login—The date of the Affiliate's last login to the SFI Affiliate Center.

CSA Assign—The date a Co-Sponsored Affiliate was assigned to you.

KC—The KeyCode, if any, for that Affiliate.


This tab distills the communication options and information for your Affiliates, including columns listing each Affiliate's primary language, email address and phone number (if applicable). NOTE: Only your PSAs who have agreed to share their contact information with you will have this information listed.


The Geographic tab helps you determine where in the world your Affiliates reside. Use this information to make sure all your Affiliates living outside the U.S. is familiar with SFI's International Resources listed here

TIP: Use your Genealogy Country filter to create lists of your Affiliates in each country. Then, for each group, send a message referring them to the SFI International Affiliate Resources page where they can learn about the many benefits and resources for SFI Affiliates living outside the U.S.


The Gifting tab is a great place from which to issue gifts and/or transfer TCredits to your Affiliates. 

Why would you want to do that? Simple. Strategically issuing Gift Certificates, TCredits, or ECommergy day passes is a great way to spark growth and momentum in your group. You can use gifts as incentives to take action, as rewards for reaching specific goals, as prizes for contests, etc. Learn more about developing a gifting strategy to boost your team activity.

Just click the Issue Gift or Transfer TCredits link in the row of your chosen Affiliate to begin the simple gifting or transferring process. It only takes a few seconds, and once submitted, your gift will be immediately issued and an email sent to your Affiliate. You will also receive a confirmation email for your records.

Still have questions about using your Genealogy? Try these support resources:

Your SFI Mentor/Upline Team

Genealogy FAQs

SFI Forum

UPDATED 10/15/23