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Getting Started
How do I whitelist mail@sfimg.com?
What kind of people make good affiliates?
Is it really possible to make a large income working at home?
I have no experience. Can I really succeed with SFI?
I've tried businesses like SFI before and it didn't work for me.
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Glossary definition: Badge Quest Contest
Glossary definition: Badge
Glossary definition: Carson Services, Inc.
Glossary definition: Duplication
Glossary definition: Daily Crown
View all 46
Affiliate Center
What is a support ticket?
How do I access my SFI Inbox and what are some tips for using it?
What are the mini badges appearing in My Referrals section for?
How does the SFIM (SFI Instant Messaging) chat service work?
What is Streak Saver & how does it work?
View all 20
What is TripleClicks.com?
How can I pay for Auto-Delivery if I don't have a credit card or PayPal?
Why don't you accept credit cards from my country?
Where can I learn more about TripleClicks?
What is ECommergy?
Affiliate Quick Guide to ECommergy
Elevation Mall
What is the Elevation Mall?
Should I order products from Elevation Mall stores for my own use? Why?
Where do I record my Elevation Mall purchases?
What are some tips for identifying my "warm" market?
What are some tips for advertising on social media?
What's the best way to find free advertising through Traffic Exchanges?
How do QR Codes work?
What are ZCredits?
Where can I view my current ZCredit balance?
How can I acquire ZCredits?
Eager Zebra Games
What are Eager Zebra Games?
Where can I see a list of all available Eager Zebra games?
How does TCurrency work?
Who makes sure I get my Rewardical Tokens with purchases made with TCurrency?
Can I tell my friends and family to order local products with TripleClicks TCurrency?
Where can I learn more about TCurrency?
Where can I learn about TripleClicks contests and drawings?
Badge Quest Rules & Prizes
Rewardical Merchants
What are Rewardical ECommerce Associates (RECAs)?
What are the qualifications for acceptance as a Rewardical ECommerce Assosciate (RECA)?
What kind of website is eligible to be a Rewardical ECommerce Associate (RECA)?
Are there restrictions on products RECA merchants can sell?
Does the RECA Program bring more products from more countries?
View all 13
How do I redeem my Rewardical Tokens?
How do I earn Rewardicals?
How do I refer new FDM Members and collect Referral Rewardicals?
Zing Network
What is the Zing Network and how does it work?
How do I retrieve my SFI password/ID?
I'm not receiving any SFI e-mails. What do I do?
I received a suspicious e-mail today that says it's from SFI, but I don't think it is. What's going on?
Is SFI Founder Gery Carson retiring?
Payment Options
Is it safe to make purchases at TripleClicks?
What are the available payment options at TripleClicks?
My country has very limited payment options. What can I do?
Can I use TCurrency to pay for my Auto-Delivery?
Can I use Bitcoin or other cryptocurrencies to pay for my purchases at TripleClicks?
View all 7
What is TCurrency?
How does TCurrency work?
How much does TCurrency cost?
Why would someone want to pay locally instead of just ordering online?
How can I find licensed TCurrency providers?
View all 17
What kind of products does TripleClicks have?
How often are new products added to TripleClicks.com?
How do I know if the product is new or used?
What is a wish list used for?
What is the TripleClicks Advanced Search?
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What are ZCredits and what can I do with them?
What are the different ways I can get ZCredits?
Where can I track of my ZCredits?
How to find status of my order?
Can I use a PO Box for delivery of products?
What is the Round up for Charity program?
What is a Auto-Delivery and how do I set one up?
What are the payment options for Auto-Delivery orders?
How do I get the Auto-Delivery discount price?
Could I set up an Auto-Delivery for a local ECA's products?
When will my Auto-Delivery be processed?
View all 7
Returns & Refunds
What is TripleClicks' return and refund policy?
Who is responsible for returns and refunds on third-party items?
Eager Zebra Games
What are Eager Zebra games?
How do I refer new FDM Members and collect Referral Rewardicals?
ZINGO: How To Play & Official Rules
BRAIN SPRINT: How To Play & Official Rules
CARD KING: How To Play & Official Rules
View all 21
What is ECommergy?
Contests & Drawings
What is the Daily Crown drawing? How can I participate?
What is the Zing Member Badge Quest contest...and what are the rules?
How do I earn Rewardical Tokens?
How do I redeem my Rewardical Tokens?
Can I earn Rewardicals for sharing EZ Games with friends, family, etc?
Why hasn't a product I've purchased become available for me to submit a review?
When are product ratings/reviews available?
Privacy Policy
What is the TripleClicks Privacy Policy?
Terms & Conditions
What is TripleClicks' Terms & Conditions policy?
What is TripleClicks?
When was TripleClicks.com launched?
Where did the name TripleClicks come from?
Archived FAQs
What is a Co-Sponsor?
What is my role with my CSAs?
How can I acquire CSAs?
Where do I find the link I need to click to receive my monthly bonus CSAs?
How do I earn commissions on my Co-Sponsored Affiliates (CSAs)?
View all 15
Astro Auctions
What are Astro Auctions?
What is the Pick-the-Bid contest?
How can I use the Auction VIP Program to motivate my team?
Is there a Gateway for promoting Astro Auctions?
How to generate sales at AstroAuctions.com
PPA (Pay Per Action)
How do I get started with PPAs?
What are the pros and cons of the SFIPPA program vs the standard SFI program?
Can I participate in the SFIPPA program AND also build a standard SFI business?
Why are my sign-ups getting assigned to someone else, not me!?
Where can I learn more about the PPA program?
Astro Auctions2024
What are Astro Auctions and how do they work?
How can I try Astro Auctions for free?
Can I bid on an Astro Auction even if the item being auctioned doesn't ship to my country?
What is an Astro Auction VIP and how can I qualify?
What is the Astro Auction Auto-Pilot feature?
View all 12
Streams of Income
Wealthy Affiliate General FAQs
What is Wealthy Affiliate?
Where is Wealthy Affiliate located?
How will Eager Zebra be affected by SFI's move to WA?
Why did SFI choose WA to be the new home for SFI affiliates?
Moving Your Team To Wealthy Affiliate
What's the best way to position myself for WA commissions?
What happens with SFI affiliates who want to join WA, but their Personal Advisor does not?
How will my Personal Referrals in SFI learn about WA and get placed under me in WA?
How can I best contact my SFI PRAs and PRMs to encourage them to join WA?
Is there a sample letter I can use to encourage my PRAs and PRMs to join WA under me?
View all 7
Wealthy Affiliate & Your SFI Account
Will I still earn commissions on SFI purchases by my Personal Referrals?
Can I earn commissions on my SFI Personal Referral’s WA purchases?
What will become of my SFI Commissions On Account?
What becomes of my balance in Bit Bank?
Can I still redeem my Rewardicals?
View all 8
GreatLife Worldwide FAQs
What is GreatLife Worldwide?
What is the cost to join GreatLife?
What kind of products does GreatLife offer?
How can I contact GreatLife Worldwide (GLW)?
How do I get paid in GreatLife and do they have good international payment options?
View all 10