Did you know that studies show that the average 21-year old already knows over 800 people? The following is an exercise to identify all the people you know who could become your personally referred TripleClicks Members. Don't skip this exercise! If you come up with even as little as 10 names, you'll be ahead of 95% of network marketers. That's because most people won't take the time to do important foundation-building steps like this. Be one of the 5-percenters and put success into motion!

First step: Grab a lined tablet. Start writing down the names of people you know (one name per line). Use the following list to help jog your memory:

current co-workers
ex co-workers
current classmates
high school classmates
college classmates
people who've sold you things
health club members
friends of relatives
your mailman
your plumber
your accountant
your attorney
your eye doctor
your banker
your druggist
your doctor
your dentist
everyone on your Christmas card list
the person who cuts your hair
your children’s friends
parents of your children’s friends
friends from church
former teachers/professors
friends from organizations you belong to
friends from organizations you used to belong to
teammates from sports teams
your florist
your dry cleaner
your insurance agent
your photographer
your real estate agent
your landlord
your car salesman/woman
retired friends who want to get more active