Your membership into at least one traffic exchange is your in-road to several hundred other traffic exchanges.
Each time you surf to earn credits to promote your website or affiliate link, you will see other members advertising affiliate links. Many of them will be for other traffic exchanges.
Think of traffic exchanges as a school of advertising. When you see an ad that catches your attention—especially if it is about a traffic exchange—study it. Think about why it caught your attention. What do you like about the colors, the layout, the text message, and the images? Your insights will go a long ways towards helping you become a great advertiser and promote your offers more effectively.
Most traffic exchanges are free to join, so pick one and sign up. As you get comfortable with one traffic exchange, pick up another one. Continue the process until you have joined as many as you think you can handle. Surf a few pages at each exchange everyday or as often as you feel comfortable with. This practice will provide you with a sturdy flow of traffic to your links.