Absolutely! In fact, we encourage you to do so. That's why we've made using the following cryptocurrencies at TripleClicks extremely EASY:

* Bitcoin

* Bitcoin Cash


* Ethereum


To spend your crypto at TripleClicks, when checking out, simply choose the "CRYPTO" option on your checkout screen (see image below) to access these cryptocurrency payment methods and follow the simple directions provided.   That’s it!

Don’t have any cryptocurrency?  Learn how to get some HERE.

NOTE: Using Bitcoin or other cryptocurrency is 100% optional.  Just think of it as another payment option offered by TripleClicks to give our customers as many choices as possible.

PLUS....You'll get FREE BONUS TCredits 

when you use cryptocurrency!

Here’s how it works:

On any purchase of a TCD (TripleClicks Direct product) paid with cryptocurrency, we will automatically deposit FREE BONUS TCredits into your TripleClicks account:

* Receive 10 FREE TCredits ($5.90 value) with any $20 order

* Receive 20 FREE TCredits ($9.80 value) with any $35 order

* Receive 25 FREE TCredits ($12.25 value) with any $50 order

* Receive 40 FREE TCredits ($15.20 value) with any $75 order

* Receive 60 FREE TCredits ($19.60 value) with any $100 order

* Receive 100 FREE TCredits ($32.00 value) with any $150 order

...AND for any order of $200 or more, you’ll receive 1 FREE TCredit for every dollar spent!  Example: Place an order for $262 and you’ll receive 262 FREE TCredits ($83.84 value).



  1. The bonus TCredits you receive will be based on the amount of your order paid with cryptocurrency.  Example: If you pay part of your order using another payment method, you will not earn Bonus TCredits on the portion paid with the other payment method.
  2. Gift Certificate funding is not eligible for the free bonus TCredits.
  3. At this time, cryptocurrency is not eligible as a payment option for Auto-Delivery orders (though we hope to add this in the future).
  4. Again, remember, ONLY orders for TripleClicks Direct products qualify for the Bonus TCredits.

Not clear on what cryptocurrency is and how it works?  Here are some informative articles for you: