Let me start by saying that's the wrong way to approach it.  SFI has an extensive system already in place to encourage affiliates to advance to higher levels and more.

In other words, we've already got this covered for you. If you are "piling on" with even more messages about going up an Affiliate level, you're probably doing more harm than good. Worse, you may be painting yourself in your affiliates' eyes as someone who is just wants to "make some money off them."

And if that's what they think...guess what? You're going to get the OPPOSITE of what you are after. You're going to be actually having your affiliates shutting the door on you and SFI altogether. Not good!

Here's what you SHOULD be doing: There's an old saying that people don't care what you say until they know you care, and it applies perfectly here. If your affiliates get the impression in any way that you just want to "make money off them," they're going to resent you, and they're not going to want to do anything to help you, which would of course include upgrading.

Therefore, your approach should ALWAYS be:


All of your messages should revolve around this. Make sure that this theme comes through loud and clear! Don't even bring up upgrading. Let SFI be the one that "twists arms." You stick totally to things like:

• "Do you have any questions I can answer for you?"

• "Is there anything I can clarify for you about the SFI Compensation plan?"

• "Have you been to the SFI Forum lately? There's a great thread there on how to ____."

• "If there's anything I can help you with, don't hesitate to ask."

and so on.

This is how you will engage your affiliates and build the critical relationships you need to create a thriving team.

Your own newsletter, mailed out 2 to 4 times a month, is also a superb way to stay in touch while providing helpful tips, training, and ideas.  And what does such a newsletter say to your affiliates?  It says you're working hard to provide them with the information they need to succeed.  Not YOU, but THEM.  And it says, "I'm here to help."

Stop by the PRA Mailer for an easy way to send out newsletters to your affiliates.

Help your affiliates...and you help yourself.  The more people you help, the more successful you'll be.

Q: What if I'm offering a gift certificate or some other benefit for advancing to a higher SFI level?

Feel free to encourage your affiliates to go up a level when you are offering valuable benefits in return. When you offer a gift certificate, for example, you are  trying to help them become successful, which, again, is the KEY.

For lots more tips and ideas about encouraging your affiliates to take action and upgrade, check out the SFI Forum (including the Team Building threads).