You can easily communicate with your team members who are currently online and logged in to the Affiliate Center—just look for the green "chat status" icon on your Genealogy report, on the Movers page, on your Affiliate Manager, and on your Upline Team page. Just click the green icon to initiate an online conversation with that affiliate.


* To quickly find out who in your downline is currently online and logged into the Affiliate Center, stop by your Genealogy report, select the QuickFilters drop down menu, select the Online Now option, and click the Load My QuickFilter button. You’ll see a list of all your affiliates who are now online.

* If you're chatting with a person who's primary language is different than your own, keep Google Translate open in another browser window so you can cut and paste text as needed to translate your conversation.

* When initiating contact with downline members, focus on how you can help them. Support and assist your downline, and you will build a stronger, more profitable group.

* You don't have to wait until an affiliate is online to initiate a chat. Your chat message will be waiting for your affiliate the next time he/she logs in to the Affiliate Center.

NOTE:  The "Chat Status" icon may display in the following ways:

  • Gray outlined (hollow) icon = not online
  • Green icon = online
  • Green icon w/exclamation point = online and chat initiated/waiting for you to respond
  • Gray icon w/exclamation point = offline and chat initiated/waiting for you to respond

TIP: For a concise list all the free communication tools SFI has available for you to reach out to your team, check out this Launchpad Lesson.