A good place to get started is at GreatLife's Back Office, with has tons of resources you don't want to miss. 

Log in here:


Once you've logged in, you'll see the Back Office Dashboard which gives you a menu with links to:

1. Product ordering

2. Marketing Materials

3. "My Team" (with Genealogy, Holding Tank, Placement Settings, and more)

4. Commission details (under Business)

5. Account details (under Account)

There are also links to quickly and easily enroll other distributors and customers! This is really convenient. Let's say you have a family member that is interested in joining GreatLife and/or accessing GreatLife products. You can actually sign them up from your Back Office!

And then be sure to review the big section to the right of the menu. Here's where you'll find your links for promoting the GreatLife opportunity, GreatLife products, and more. Also listed are some excellent live calls you can join (or listen to later) to help you become a high-achieving distributor in GreatLife.